Sunday, April 28, 2019

Follow up on Math Whizz 2019

Today a Term 1 assessment came out regarding the children's usage of Math Whizz.

What have I learned?
I have analyzed the data and was disappointed to see the results although not surprised. We have set Math Whizz up as a at home structural project and that it is a finished work activity. These were the results from room 3.

  • 12 of my students are meeting the math whizz recommended growth of 3 progressions a week.
  • 11 of my students are investing 30 mins of more in time but less than 3 progressions
  • 7 of my students are doing less than 30 mins of time invested per week and less than 3 progressions.
  1. two of the students who are investing 30 mins but not getting 3 progressions a week are my at risk students
  2. Two of my at risk children are  making their time and progressions.
  3. 5 of my students that are doing less than 30 mins are working at stage 6

What am I going to implement for term 2
* Give out certificates on a Monday for the past 7 days (gold, silver and bronze in number of progressions) with a reward at the end of the term for students who achieve a green tick for the term. (pizza)
  • Give all groups at least 10 mins everyday to work on Math Whizz and on a Wednesday at the end of the day people with 2 progressions go 5 min early??
  • Send messages to my children that are not meeting expectations to motivate and celebrate successes.

* Monitor children who have the exclamation mark (yellow symbol) - these are our at risk children. This shows children who have lots of usage but are not making the amount of progressions they should be. These are the children that I will want to sit with at least once a week in class and work with them so they understand the lesson and can make the progression.

Term 1 results Math Whizz