Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Lucy Hone - Wellness

Lucy Hone - Guest Speaker P.D. JPC

Sept 18 2018
I had the pleasure to be able to listen to Lucy Hone, explain a little bit about the importance of resilience and wellness. How they work hand in hand.

Things I learnt 
Wellbeing = Feeling Good and Functioning Well
Regular Wellness practices will:
Increased ability to cope with stress
 • Lower incidence of cancer
 • Faster recovery from surgery
 • Greater immunity from colds & flu
 • More resilient to trauma
 • Reduced incidence of heart attacks 
• Greater job satisfaction 
• Increased productivity
 • Increased longevity
 • More creative thinking
 • Improved ability to make decisions 
• Fewer marriage break 
In my classroom/home I want them to feel Happiness • Be Healthy • Have Confidence • Be satified with what they can do and who they are • Have Love/Be loved • Have solid Friendships
PERMA summarizes the various elements of well being: the P stands for positive emotions (aka happiness), E for engagement, R for relationships, M for meaning and A for accomplishments. The presence of these five equates to flourishing psychological health; the absence is referred to by academics as languishing.
I also attended the JPC workshop here is a link to Lucy's keynotes
Image result for breathing square
Image result for lucy hone
Implementation in my classroom
I am going to use the Breathe square in my classroom to teach kids how to relax. I also want to explore more with our sharing circles, allowing children to explore their feelings and how we cope with both the good and bad.
Have kids write on their blog a reflection each day. What did I do well today.
Set up an area where if they move there you know they need space and follow up time with you to debrief
For kids to know its ok and healthy to be mad, sad, happy (it's how they deal with that that they will be remembered for)
Its important for us as educators, mentors, parents to take time to be present and deal with our feelings (what makes us happy, sad, triggers for anger) Often we are so caught up at school that the volcano blows at home when it would not have in other places.
Implementation in my life
* Walk daily for some me time
* Keep a journal
* look into a yoga class
* spend more time playing with my kids 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Term 3 Observations

Athlene Wallbank came in to our classroom today to observe my teaching practices. I have asked her to look specifically at  my math s talk and give me feedback on my wait time, kids talk/teach/ and the relationship between the students and myself.

I have re evaluated what I was teaching the students as Athlene thought that simplifying fractions  for the children who are at stage 6 was not appropriate. I had gone to the senior team and asked them in regards to fractions what they felt were missing from those top children, it was there that I had received the feedback of  spending a little time on improper fractions and simplifying. Although the kids are still simplifying we have brought it back a step.

I have felt great movement in this top group and their willingness to talk and give problems a go a great gain. I have enjoyed challenging them through problem solving questions, I can see now those Ahhaha moments and satisfaction.

I still need to encourage the students to contribute and teach one another. I have decided that rather than trying to see every group really working the strategies well and not worrying so much about the time.
Athlene's observations
Link to Appraisals