Friday, September 7, 2018

Term 3 Observations

Athlene Wallbank came in to our classroom today to observe my teaching practices. I have asked her to look specifically at  my math s talk and give me feedback on my wait time, kids talk/teach/ and the relationship between the students and myself.

I have re evaluated what I was teaching the students as Athlene thought that simplifying fractions  for the children who are at stage 6 was not appropriate. I had gone to the senior team and asked them in regards to fractions what they felt were missing from those top children, it was there that I had received the feedback of  spending a little time on improper fractions and simplifying. Although the kids are still simplifying we have brought it back a step.

I have felt great movement in this top group and their willingness to talk and give problems a go a great gain. I have enjoyed challenging them through problem solving questions, I can see now those Ahhaha moments and satisfaction.

I still need to encourage the students to contribute and teach one another. I have decided that rather than trying to see every group really working the strategies well and not worrying so much about the time.
Athlene's observations
Link to Appraisals

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