Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Maths Whizz

Math Whizz P.D. -term 1
Today, Chris from Maths Whizz visited the senior students and sparked excitement for what was coming with regards to Math Whizz. She explained to them what teachers were able to see and do with regards to their personal accounts. For example she was able to show us how to look over strands that individuals were having issues with, how to see if you actually were progressing the way you should be. The new improvements to maths whiz software had the kids excited. Their are avatars and better explanations of activities.
She then met with the staff and showed us how to access better support through math whizz for students, how to set topics as focuses to support in class achievement. How to filter ability within classes and progress, which will be useful for the students when setting up goals and personally to keep track of my students.

What have I learned from the P.D. workshop and student workshop?
* It is ok to show children how they are doing, and that we are also able to see where they are stuck.Math Whizz has been created to completely individualised to their own learning. To not increase levels until they are able to move forward.
* With regards to the NZ curriculum they are working hand in hand with the curriclum and teachers to make sure that everything is covered and is they way we are teaching in the class.
* At St. Marys we are wanting all students from Y3-6 to be making 4 progressions a week and using Math Whizz for 60-90 min. The weekly refresh happens on a Monday.
We can print out the Jenga blocks for our class to see where the gaps are and to set weekly tasks to focus the first lesson of the day on that specific area
* My job as a teacher is to monitor the students progressions and idendily problem areas. From here I can set topics to support students gaps and lessons we are doing in class.
* I can send messages to students to congratulate them or help with motivation.
What Practises will I use?
* From this P.D. I printed off a copy of my classes Jenga blocks so that I could compare the results from term to term. The kids need to fill the gaps in as the year goes on. Good for kids to see that the progress shows up and helps with their personal understanding. Making them work at their personal achievement levels in all areas with support.
* Show students how they are progressing on a Wednesday as I will not have them come the end of the week.
* Use the Jenga blocks to help with goal setting
* Sylvia and I are going to use Math Whizz term 1 as a support tool, and homework. This will need to be reviewed to make sure students are meeting their goals and managed their time.

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