Sunday, February 9, 2020

Provocations - How to move children into a hands on child driven project



We are going to continue to look at running provocations in the middle school team this year. Last year I felt like they were kind of  mucky and that the overall learning by a majority of children only happened occasionally. I would like to continue to explore meaning full experiences that will engage and hook our children into projects that are driven by them.
1. We need to teach the children the process of a project so that they are able to drive their own learning experience.
2. Help facilitate the projects by guidance, sourcing materials, allowing time and seeing about a budget
3. Mr. G - I see Mr. G as being a excellent help, as he is able to take small groups of children and can build/create some of their projects.
I am looking forward to attending the Longreach P.D. day to help me explore these thoughts

Provocations: A Start Up Guide - by Sally Haughey and Nicole Hill

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