Sunday, August 12, 2018

Three Way Conferences

Three Way Conferences.

On July 31st and August 1st 2018 I held Room 11's three way conferences over the two evenings where the children came along with their parents to go over the goals they set in class for reading, writing, maths, RE and Self Management. The children had to justify why they had chosen the goal, review with their parents on whiter they met their past goal and what steps would need to be put into progressive goals along a continuum. The meetings were approximately 15 minutes, but we nonetheless managed to have a good discussion about the goals children had chosen and it was sometimes eye opening for the parents. Some children were able to discuss and justify their chosen goals while others had not listened at all coming up with their own goals, many of which lacked any thought.
I was very thankful that David Bach was able to come in and help out with some of the parents, questions were brought up regarding the reports that had gone home. Together, I felt that we were able to alleviate some concerns that both students and parents had over, the change in teachers.

A few things came out of these meetings that I would like to work on.
  1. Parents not knowing or using the blog. - after the first evening I created cards that had the information on how to get to and use the blog, and my email. The children that came the first night I handed them out. 
  2. The need for on going review of personal goals. - I think we will be placing these goals into their books and need a viable place for them within the class both for parents, kids and myself to review.
  3. The importance of the first meeting, although many parents knew me from past classrooms or students, the reassurance that I had their child's best interest in mind was very important. 

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