Wednesday, May 9, 2018

PTC #6 6. conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme

PTC #6. conceptualize, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme
i. articulate clearly the aims of their teaching, give sound professional reasons for adopting these aims, and implement them in their practice
ii. through their planning and teaching, demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of relevant content, disciplines and curriculum documents
Minutes from Team planning

Every fortnight we meet as a middle school team to review practices, planning and share documents so that the whole team is on board and working well.
I really enjoy these meetings, they reassure me that what I am doing it to standard and provides feedback on areas of continued growth. Through the meetings I have realized that if something is making kids fizz at the seams its ok to keep going forward with it and allowing students to have a voice in their learning. If we end up writing all day one day, read the next. I am loving how we are sharing our maths, writing and reading books from the different levels. Feedback through conferencing is the key to making it real with the kids.

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