Sunday, August 12, 2018

Certificate in Tikanga Maori

 Certificate in Tikanga Maori

Dec 18, 2018

As part of my professional development programme this year I have signed up to participate,
along with a number of other teachers, The Certificate in Tikanga Maori, run by the local Wananga.
It will give me stronger an insight into a Maori worldview. Which will in turn help foster a stronger tie
to our cultural history here in Aotearoa. We will be learning about traditions. concepts, values, and
protocols and understand why Maori do things a certain way. It will be advantageous if we could
apply our learning to our teaching, especially of Maori students. We will also learn some
Maori vocabulary.
The first sections of the course involve learning Maori concepts such as whanauatanga,
pronunciation of Maori and various aspects of local tikanga. We will be doing the work for
this course together as a staff at staff meetings and finishing at home where necessary.
I am hoping that this course will help with the pronunciation of words and give me a broader
vocabulary that I can then use to foster a stronger Whanau within our classroom. I look forward
to starting this programme soon.

How I hope to incorporate this in my classroom.

  • To use basic phrases within the classroom on a daily base
  • Write in Maori on the board
  • Learn a Waiata/prayer in Maori for our class
  • maybe a term a week and place this on our blog challenge kids to learn/use it a home as well as school
  • teach them how to use the translator on their chrome books and try and read more stories in Te Reo
  • model that I to am learning and will make mistakes

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