Wednesday, May 9, 2018

PTC #12 Critical Inquiry Sue Winters

12. use critical inquiry and problem solving effectively in their professional practice
i. systematically and critically engage with evidence and professional literature to reflect on and refine practice
 ii. respond professionally to feedback from members of their learning community
iii. critically examine their own beliefs, including cultural beliefs, and how they impact on their professional practice and the achievement of ākonga
 video of my teaching

On Thursday 25th May Susan Nelson and I went with Sue Winters to discuss peer coaching and having professional questioning techniques / questions in order to illicit true reflection and hopefully positive changes in practice (with high trust a must).
We both recorded on paper what was happening during 6 minutes of video of the other teaching. This was then read back to the teacher and questioning began.

Link to Npew folder

What aspect of your teaching practice did your Peer Coach question you about? (No more than 2 sentences)
The sequence of instructions and differentiation for the children in the group.

What is a change/fine tuning that you will make to your practice as a result of Peer Coaching Cycle 1?
I will reflect on giving too many instructions as a general overview and break the instruction down into the component parts of the planned maths lesson. Think about the specific learners in the group and not only take into consideration their maths learning needs but also their specific needs to help clarify their learning as they problem solve.  If I don’t get that right it will be hard to figure out why they may not have answered the question the way I anticipated they would.

What are you mulling over as a result of Peer Coaching Cycle 1?
That taking time to video my lesson should be something I do more often than when someone asks for it.  I also like the idea of having a variety of peer professionals being aware enough to help me become a more reflective teacher.  In this job we can’t do it alone. So as we become more collaborative in our planning that we need to look at how to become more aware of what we do in the classroom.  Perhaps as we work in classes with multiple teachers (ILEs) these teachers already have access to these types of professional relationships.

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